It’s a New Year: 90 Day Sprint

Happy New Year everyone!

In 90 days I’m going to Japan for a little over a week. I’m doing it because I want to go there and it gives me a goal to work towards for the first quarter of the year. There’s a lot to do. My resolution is to not have a zero day. A zero day is a day where a primary goal isn’t achieved. Primary goals to me are stuff that moves my knowledge forward, improves my life, and/or turns more business. This is compared to normal stuff like keeping house supplies stocked, doing business bookkeeping/site maintenance, bills paid, e.g. stuff I need to survive.

So regarding status: I didn’t hit the rate of outputting content how I wanted to last year. Nor did I expand out my business as much as I’d like, but I’m alive and in good health so I can’t complain. There’s two work opportunities awaiting me if keep pace this year. I’m going to post small stuff like this if I don’t have anything notable, there’s a draft pile of technical and assorted posts that are much longer that I should complete and fill on days that there’s not much other stuff to write about.

There’s not much to post today as I took advantage of the holiday. I don’t have a hangover and I’m going into ketosis for the quarter, so we’re off to a good start!


Now read this

House Calls

Ugh, February is here. Draft pile still growing, but I’m behind on my publishing commitment. Today I’m writing about me doing computer repairs. Background Doing Repairs # I’ve told the story a few times, but when I was in grade school we... Continue →